A platform for connecting therapists.
our story.
We began as a hashtag on Twitter in early 2020, started by Dr Peter Blundell to help connect therapists from around the world. The initial tweet has expanded into a platform and network of therapists. To read about the original idea click on this article. Peter won Counsellor of the Year at National Counsellors' Day in 2020 for setting up #TherapistsConnect.
The first #TherapistsConnect project, was #Traineetalk. Caz Binstead, the founder, approached Dr Peter Blundell with her idea in February 2020, and since then, it has been immensely popular, with over 500 students taking part from across the globe. Its aim is to bring students of counselling and psychotherapy together for a weekly facilitated Twitter discussion group; supporting the development of students, whilst also providing a unique, safe space, to meet and connect together. To get involved in our #TherapistsConnect student community, find us on Twitter.
We started our podcast in June 2020. In the first two series Dr Peter Blundell interviews therapists about their work and experience within the world of therapy. Whilst Peter still continues to make podcast episodes, we now try to use our podcast platform to raise up other voices from the therapists' community. Our podcast has a variety of different types of episode, which include: 'Interviews' where different therapists interview each other about their work and experience; 'Discussions' where two or more therapists meet to discuss a specific topic; and 'Podcast Tasters' where we give other therapy podcasts a platform by releasing sample episodes for our community to listen to. Find previous episodes of our podcast here.
We are passionate about debating and discussing different therapy related topics and issues. We held our first live debate in July 2020, when we decided to bring a variety of UK therapists together to talk about the SCoPEd project (for details of this project click here). This debate aimed to raise awareness about the project and to give practitioners a platform to express their different views. This debate was so successful (we have had over 2400 views so far), we decided to hold two further debates; one for students and another which brought key representatives from some of the key organisations involved with the project. Since those initial debates we have held a variety of other debates which can all be found on our YouTube channel; these cover a variety of topics such as Therapists using Social Media; Worldwide Therapists; Psychotherapy Integration, amongst others.
In January 2021, we celebrated our first birthday, which we marked by organising a whole week of events for therapists. The co-leads, Caz and Peter led a number of these, alongside specialist workshops with well-known therapists, including authors Ruth Allen and Susan Cousins. In addition, we launched our ‘Lifetime Achievement interviews’, where we honour the work of prominent therapists in our field. Our recipients so far are: Mick Cooper, Janet Tolan, Professor Nabhit Kapur, Dr Aaron Balick and Eugene Ellis.
Our most recent big event was the two-day conference, ‘Private practice 2021: surviving and thriving in uncertain times’ . It was a space dedicated to connecting private practitioners; exploring how to grow, develop and work in this unique sector; and focusing on what works as a private practitioner across the world in pandemic times, has been like.
We currently hold regular virtual events, which are always evolving. Check out our Events page for our updated programme of events.
#TherapistsCreate is our most recent innovative project which is based on our Instagram account. Our co-lead Caz Binstead runs this project which aims to offer therapists a platform for their creative endeavours, including poetry, art, photography and other creative projects. #TherapistsConnect acknowledges the creative aspects of our profession, and we aim to develop innovative spaces to express that creativity.